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Don't miss the opportunity to strengthen your faith and inspire those around you with our top picks of highly recommended Catholic books. #CommissionsEarned

The Early Church Was the Catholic Church
The Case for Catholicism - Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections
Meeting the Protestant Challenge: How to Answer 50 Biblical Objections to Catholic Beliefs

For Thou hast mercy upon all, O Lord,
and hatest nothing that Thou hast made.
Remember how frail our nature is,
and that Thou art our Father and our God.
Be not angry with us for ever,
and shut not up Thy tender mercies in displeasure.
For it is not for our just works
that we present our prayers before Thy face,
but for the multitude of Thy tender mercies.
Take away from us, O Lord, our iniquities,
and mercifully kindle in us the fire of Thy Holy Spirit.
Take away from us the heart of stone,
and give us a heart of flesh,
a heart to love and adore Thee,
a heart to delight in, to follow, and to enjoy Thee.
And we entreat Thy mercy, O Lord,
that Thou wouldst look down graciously upon Thy family,
as it pays its vows to Thy most holy name;
and that the desire of none may be in vain,
and the petitions of none unfulfilled,
do Thou inspire our prayers,
that they may be such as Thou delightest to hear and answer.


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