Blessing Of A School

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(Upon entering the building, the priest sprinkles the rooms with holy water, saying:)

V. Peace to this house.
R. And to all who live in it.

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who has made heaven and earth.

V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with your spirit.

Let us pray.

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Lord Jesus Christ,
You commanded Your apostles to beg a blessing of peace
on whatever house they should enter.
We beg of You, through our ministry, make this house,
destined for the education of boys (and/or girls,) a holy one.
Pour on it the richness of Your blessing and peace.
Make it their salvation, as You did for Zachaeus,
when You entered his house.
Have Your angels watch over it,
to drive away every hostile force.
Fill those who teach here with the spirit of knowledge,
wisdom, and fear of You.
Support with heavenly grace those who study here,
so that they may grasp with their
minds what is taught for their salvation,
keep it in their hearts,
and follow it out in their conduct.
May all who use this building be pleasing
to You in the exercise of every virtue,
so that they may sometime merit to be received
into their eternal home in heaven,
through You, Jesus Christ,
the Savior of the world,
who live and are King and God for ever and ever.

R. Amen.

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