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Don't miss the opportunity to strengthen your faith and inspire those around you with our top picks of highly recommended Catholic books. #CommissionsEarned

The Early Church Was the Catholic Church
The Case for Catholicism - Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections
Meeting the Protestant Challenge: How to Answer 50 Biblical Objections to Catholic Beliefs

O invincible defender of Holy Church’s freedom,
Saint Gregory of great renown,
by that firmness thou didst show
in maintaining the Church’s rights against all her enemies,
stretch forth from Heaven thy mighty arm,
we beseech thee,
to comfort her and defend her in the fearful battle
she must ever wage with the powers of darkness.
Do thou, in an especial manner,
give strength in this dread conflict to the venerable Pontiff
who has fallen heir not only to thy throne,
but likewise to the fearlessness of thy mighty heart;
obtain for him the joy of beholding his holy endeavors
crowned by the triumph of the Church
and the return of the lost sheep into the right path.
Grant, finally, that all may understand
how vain it is to strive against that faith
which has always conquered and is destined always to conquer:
“this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith.”
This is the prayer that we raise to thee with one accord;
and we are confident, that,
after thou hast heard our prayers on earth,
thou wilt one day call us to stand with thee in Heaven,
before the eternal High Priest,
Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit
liveth and reigneth world without end.


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