Miracle Prayer of St. Francis de Sales to Our Mother Mary

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Say not, merciful Virgin,

that you cannot help me, for your beloved Son holds all power in heaven and on earth.

Say not that you ought not to assist me, for you are the Mother of all poor children of Adam, and my Mother in particular.

Since, then, merciful Virgin, you are my Mother, and you are all-powerful, what excuse can you offer if you do not lend your assistance?

See, my Mother, see you are obliged to grant me what I ask, and to yield to my entreaties.


The prayer begins with St. Francis de Sales addressing the Blessed Virgin Mary as “merciful Virgin.” This is because Mary is known for her great mercy and compassion. She is the Mother of God, and she loves all of her children, no matter what they have done.

In the second line of the prayer, St. Francis de Sales reminds Mary that her Son, Jesus Christ, holds all power in heaven and on earth. This is a reference to Matthew 28:18, where Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

The third line of the prayer is a plea for Mary’s assistance. St. Francis de Sales says that Mary is the Mother of all poor children of Adam, and he specifically identifies himself as one of those children. This is a reference to the fact that all humans are descended from Adam, who was the first man to sin. As a result of Adam’s sin, all humans are born with a tendency to sin themselves.

In the fourth line of the prayer, St. Francis de Sales argues that Mary has a duty to help him. He says that Mary is his Mother, and he reminds her that mothers have a duty to help their children.

The fifth line of the prayer is a challenge to Mary. St. Francis de Sales says that if Mary is his Mother and she has all power, then she has no excuse for not helping him. He says that she is obliged to grant his request and to yield to his entreaties.

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The prayer ends with the words “Amen.” This is a Hebrew word that means “so be it.” It is a way of expressing agreement with what has been said.

The prayer “Say not, merciful Virgin” is a powerful and moving prayer. It is a reminder of Mary’s great mercy and compassion, and it is a plea for her assistance. This prayer can be used by anyone who is in need of help, whether they are facing a physical, emotional, or spiritual challenge.

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